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Frontier Culture MuseumAn official website of the Commonwealth of Virginia Here's how you knowAn official websiteHere's how you know

Transcribe with the Frontier Culture Museum

Join the Frontier Culture Museum and the Library of Virginia on March 16, 2024,  from 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM, for a free transcription workshop. This workshop will go over the basic skills you will need to transcribe historical documents, along with some common obstacles you may encounter along the way. Participate in enhancing access [...]

Event Series 2024 Lecture Series

2024 Lecture Series: “The Rise of Slavery in the Valley of Virginia and its Enduring Presence on the Landscape of Lexington and Rockbridge County”

Join the Frontier Culture Museum for our 2024 Lecture Series. The second installment of the 2024 Lecture Series will take place on March 19, 2024 at 7:00 PM in the Dairy Barn Lecture Hall. The Lecture Series is free and open to the public. The Scotch-Irish immigrants who first colonized Rockbridge County initially eschewed the [...]

Homeschool Days

Frontier Culture Museum 1290 Richmond Ave., Staunton, VA, United States

Homeschool Days are happening March 28 and 29. These two days feature special activities that have been designed specifically with homeschool students and homeschooling families in mind.

Easter Weekend

Easter traditions have a long history. Serving ham, cheese, and bread, along with special sweets to end Lent began around the 12th century. The first decorated Easter eggs date to the 13th century. Come join us as our costumed interpreters demonstrate historic Easter activities all weekend long, including naturally dyed eggs, making hot cross buns, playing games, [...]

2024 Lecture Series, “A Common Place: Harrisonburg and the Shenandoah Valley”

Join the Frontier Culture Museum for our 2024 Lecture Series. The final installment of the 2024 Lecture Series is titled "A Common Place: Harrisonburg and the Shenandoah Valley," will take place on April 2, 2024 at 7:00 PM. The Lecture Series will take place in the Dairy Barn Lecture Hall and is free and open [...]

Fiber Festival

Frontier Culture Museum 1290 Richmond Ave., Staunton, VA, United States

Join us on April 6 as we highlight our heritage breed sheep. We’ll learn about natural fibers such as wool, linen, and hemp as we explore the ways in which these fibers have been used throughout history as well as how they’re used today.

May Day

Maypole dances have had many iterations throughout history. The earliest May poles were simple poles dressed in greenery and flowers, with no ribbons. The dancers wound in and out in complex patterns that evolved much later into the iconic ribbon dances that are still performed today. Come learn a ribbon dance at our May Day [...]

Memorial Day Weekend: Rebellions and Revolutions

Frontier Culture Museum 1290 Richmond Ave., Staunton, VA, United States

Rebellions and Revolutions Join us at the Frontier Culture Museum for Rebellions and Revolutions this Memorial Day Weekend. Rebellions and Revolutions will bring living historians from around the country to the Frontier Culture Museum to represent the many rebel movements that have shaped, and been shaped by, American History. On Saturday, May 25th and Sunday, [...]

Memorial Day Weekend: Rebellions and Revolutions

Frontier Culture Museum 1290 Richmond Ave., Staunton, VA, United States

Rebellions and Revolutions Join us at the Frontier Culture Museum for Rebellions and Revolutions this Memorial Day Weekend. Rebellions and Revolutions will bring living historians from around the country to the Frontier Culture Museum to represent the many rebel movements that have shaped, and been shaped by, American History. On Saturday, May 25th and Sunday, [...]

Memorial Day Weekend: Rebellions and Revolutions

Frontier Culture Museum 1290 Richmond Ave., Staunton, VA, United States

Rebellions and Revolutions Join us at the Frontier Culture Museum for Rebellions and Revolutions this Memorial Day Weekend. Rebellions and Revolutions will bring living historians from around the country to the Frontier Culture Museum to represent the many rebel movements that have shaped, and been shaped by, American History. On Saturday, May 25th and Sunday, [...]

African American History Day

Join us on June 16, 2024, as we celebrate the many influences Africans and African Americans have had on American culture with demonstrations including cooking, music, and more! This event is a general admission event and is included in the Annual Pass!