Homeschool Resources

The Frontier Culture Museum is excited to offer numerous resources for homeschool teachers and students. In addition to trips to the museum, we have downloadable resources to engage your students and bring the museum into your classroom.

Homeschool Days

Join us for Homeschool Days at the Frontier Culture Museum. Visit our wonderful exhibits with historical interpreters and enjoy excellent demonstrations and interactive education. During Homeschool Days, visitors will see activities such as cooking, gardening, woodworking, flax and wool spinning, schoolhouse lessons, and much more.

Dates: March 26th, 27th, and 28th, 2025
Time: 9 AM – 5 PM

Special Admission Fees: $5 Adult, $3 Youth, Under 6 Free, Free for Annual Pass Holders

Advance Ticket Purchase: While advanced tickets are not required, we do suggest you pre-purchase your tickets to ensure you are able to come on your preferred day. Tickets are available here.

Parking may be limited.

Homeschool Groups

Groups of 15 or more qualify for group rates. For more information regarding field trip programs, please see the Programs Page.