Specialty Programs

Revolution on the Frontier

Explore the Virginia frontier during the American Revolution with this brand new field trip program as we approach the 250th anniversary of American Independence. Sign up for Crockett’s Western Battalion, train as a soldier, and see the important roles women played.

This program pairs with the Eastern Woodlands Indian site and is suitable for 3rd grade through high school.

SOLs: VS.4, VS.6, USI.5, USI.6, WG.14, WG. 17, VUS.5

This program utilizes historic firearms, which include loud noises.

This is a museum only program and cannot be an outreach.

Physical Education Program

People in the past were far more active than most Americans today. This program engages students in historic outdoor games and work activities at various exhibits. This program supports Physical Education Standards. Choose a combination of Old World and American Exhibits.

Virginia Standards of Learning: K.1 K.4 1.1 1.4 2.1 2.4 3.1 3.4 4.1 4.4 5.1 5.4 6.1 6.4 7.1 7.4 8.1 8.4

Columbian Exchange Program

Discover the transfer of plants, animals, culture, people, disease, technology, ideas, and more that took place after the 1492 voyage of Christopher Columbus. This program takes place on the West African exhibit, Eastern Woodlands Indian exhibit, 1850s American exhibit, and your choice of one of the following: English, Irish, or German exhibit.

Virginia Standards of Learning: K.1 K.9 1.1 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.1 2.8 2.9 2.10 3.1 3.8 3.9 3.10 VS.1 VS.3 VS.4 USI.1 USI.4 USI.5 WG.1 WG.4 WG.15 WG.16 WG.17 WHII.1 WHII.3 WHII.4 WHII.5 WHII.8 WHII.9

Holidays in History

Learn how Christmas was celebrated in the Old World and Early America and how the celebration has changed over time. Students wassail in England, Knock in Germany, and Belsnickle in America. This program is offered only in the month of December on the English, German, 1820s American, and 1850s American exhibits.

Economics and Personal Finance

Economics and Personal Finance Program

Managing money in the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries was much different than today. Learn how farmers in the Old World bought, sold, and traded to get the goods and services they needed. Investigate why the children of those farmers decided to leave the old world for economic gains. Explore early forms of currency in America as well as continued buying, trading, and selling. Choose any combination of exhibits at the Museum.

This program supports Civics & Economics and Economics & Personal Finance Standards of Learning

One Room Schoolhouse

Do you want your students to truly appreciate how good they have it in your classroom? A session at the Museum’s Early American Schoolhouse is just what they need. This add-on enrichment option features a brief history of education in early America and invites students to compare life at their school to that of the early nineteenth century. This add-on includes basic lessons from early American textbooks led by the “schoolmaster.” This enrichment option is located in our American Schoolhouse.

Soundtrack to the Settling of America

Explore early America’s musical heritage through live performance with the Museum’s own musicians. Students and teachers listen and learn as our musicians reveal the wide-ranging cultural influences that blended together to form the music of early America. Students learn the songs and dances of our ancestors and become part of the performance.Choose from the following exhibits for a one of a kind experience: West African, English, Irish, 1760s American, 1850s American.

This program supports many Music Standards of Learning.